Close the Design Gap
in Three Days

Designing quality software doesn’t have to be expensive.

For startups and early-stage teams struggling to find traction, we’ll give you Three Things to focus and improve your product.

No Commitment • Money-back guarantee

Dealing With Issues Like These?

  • Doesn’t resemble our vision
  • Awkward to use
  • It’s too complicated
  • Not ready for launch
  • It’s missing something
  • The UX is clunky
  • Unrealistic; too expensive to build
  • Mixed customer feedback
  • Not robust enough
  • It already looks dated!

New Software Brings New Challenges

You’ve amassed dozens of screens, or even thousands of lines of code, and yet a feeling of incompleteness lingers: something about your product just isn’t working.

It could be the product story, the UX, the visuals—or all three.

But every time you look at what you have the list gets longer. The easiest path forward gets murkier. And you grow more displeased with your designs.

So where do you start?

You could start writing tickets and just slog through them. Or revise your workflows, one by one. Or look for an agency. Or just start over.

But what if you didn’t have to do any of these?

Discover Your 3 Biggest Design Opportunities

Before you begin writing tickets...
Before you hire another agency, or freelancer, or FTE...
Before you start designing new flows...
And definitely before you scrap it and start over...

What you have can be fixed. What you need is a critical, objective voice in your corner.

Even if you’re incredibly unhappy right now, don’t pay for more screen design. Not yet. Get a plan together first.

Identify your biggest opportunities. Root out your most egregious design antipatterns. Figure out how to close the gap between what you have today and what you envisioned at the start.

In 72 hours, Three Things can vastly improve your design outlook. You’ll walk away with a concise but high-impact set of recommendations that will level-up the quality of your product.

Priced like a logo, faster than an email campaign, Three Things brings diagnostic clarity to get you from a hundred design priorities to the only three that matter right now—without costing you a fortune.


Shaky Elevator Pitch?

  • Identify the most dangerous assumptions you’re making about what customers will buy
  • Discover new frameworks for formulating better problem statements and clearer pitches
  • Get a plan for researching your way into a more confident product story

Clunky, Confusing UX?

  • Find a more fool-proof way of structuring your app that will reduce user friction and anxiety
  • Adjust architecture and hierarchy to reduce confusion and show users what they can do without explanation
  • Get a straightforward list of 1-point revs that can be easily shared with designers and dev collaborators

UI Looks a Little... Dated?

  • Understand why your aesthetic doesn’t feel on-point for your offer
  • Simplify over-complicated systems that are clouding your conceptual idea... or fix the concept itself!
  • Get documentation you can confidently pass on to an affordable UI freelancer and get better results

Here’s How it Works

  • Day 1FREE

    Problem Walkthrough

    We’ll interview you about your product, get a demo, and talk about your biggest challenges or greatest desires for improvement.

  • Day 2

    Our Independent Review

    Independently, we’ll spend some time evaluating your product, marketing, and competitors in the space, and synthesizing everything together.

  • Day 3

    Three Things Delivery

    We’ll prioritize three high-impact design areas, highlighting anti-patterns, solution hypotheses and proposed steps to implement (or prove) them.

Next Free Day 1 Session: This Week Book Your Slot Now

What’s in a Thing?

  • Diagnosis

    What’s going wrong and why

    Drawing from our mental catalog of the design antipatterns we’ve seen again and again, we’ll identify the tactics, ideas, and behaviors that are working against you.

  • Correction

    How you can quickly fix it

    Balancing value with economy, we’ll tell you how we’d fix it, including rationale, with any supporting materials (sketches, outlines, processes) we think will be relevant to getting it done.

  • Tools & Resources

    What to do after that

    If our confidence in our proposed solution is high, you might stop there. When it’s more nuanced, we’ll lay out a plan, with resources, for gathering the evidence you need.

A Little Feedback is Always Nice

3Things helped us fix the most important part of our app first. Our app doesn’t suck now. Thanks!
Joe Schmoe VP product, New Startup
Doubled our conversion in a week using just one takeaway!
Joe Schmoe VP product, New Startup
Doubled our conversion in a week using just one takeaway!
Joe Schmoe VP product, New Startup
Doubled our conversion in a week using just one takeaway!
Joe Schmoe VP product, New Startup
Doubled our conversion in a week using just one takeaway!
Joe Schmoe VP product, New Startup

Is Three Things for You?

(Know for sure in just a few clicks)

No-Brainer Pricing

  • Limited-time offer
  • Get results in 72 hours
  • Money-back guarantee

Need a Little More Than Three Things?

Three Things is the most efficient starting point for any design effort.

Seriously! There's always going to be more to do. But think of Three Things as a strong first step: it’ll get you organized, focused on clear priorities, and away from churning out screens and burning more cycles.

Beyond that? Get Secretly Nice

  • Customer Interviews
  • User Testing
  • Design Quality Audits
  • MVP Scoping
  • UX/UI Design
  • Concept Exploration
  • Product Management
  • Design Mentorship


  • Yes! Click the chat bubble floating at the bottom-right corner of your screen, and ask away.

  • Day One is all about us hearing where you’re at—product backstory, vision, app demo, your current goals and challenges.

    Leading up to the first call, we'll help you maximize the time we have by providing some suggested prompts and structure.

    During the call, we'll ask questions and prompt you to show and tell us about particular aspects of your problem or your designs, but the floor is entirely yours.

    At the end of our call, we’ll tell you whether or not we think we can help you, and how. We'll provide an estimate of when your assessment will be ready—should you book the paid service right now—along with a one-time link for you to confirm and pay.

  • Absolutely. If you’re unhappy with the current design of your product, we want to remove any barriers to you to trying Three Things out. We know it will help you. But if, given the results, you don’t see the value, we’ll gladly refund the cost of the service.

    Furthermore, the cost of your first call is totally free. That will give you a chance to see if you'd like to continue before you buy. Talk about risk-free!

  • At the end of the free call, before you decide whether you'd like to continue on with the paid service, we will provide a verbal estimated delivery date based on our bookings and current workload.

    Once you have booked the full paid service you will be sent an email confirmation with a real delivery date.

    Because our first session is free, it is up to you to choose when you book the paid service, following the first call. Assuming no large delay between the end of the free call and your paid booking, and no large workload on our end, a 72-hour turnaround will usually be no problem!

  • TL;DR: you’re not paying for weeks of our labor, just a little time spent understanding your unique situation and applying to it a mix of product expertise, design process, and professional intuition. It’s like design-concentrate.

    First, this is micro-consulting. We won’t have time to fill your backlog with dozens of novel ideas or redesign every screen of your app—probably not what you need anyway! Three Things is diagnostic and corrective in nature: we assess the situation, simplify your to-do list to what is most essential now, and give you the tools you’ll need to get through it yourself.

    Second, we’ve selected a consistent format and an approach that has worked for our full-service clients and miniaturized it. By not reinventing the process with each engagement, we’re able to use our short time together to focus solely on the current challenges you face.

  • Three Things is a product of Secretly Nice, a tiny two-person design studio run by Matt Wolfe and Kris Morgan.

    Matt and Kris have been designing digital things for over 3 cumulative decades, and have each worked with dozens of trusted brands and many, many startups throughout their careers.